
The meaning, origin and other details about Darrien

Meanings & Origins of Darrien

What does Darrien mean?

  • Darrien \d(ar)-rien\ as a boy's name. Modern combined name: possibly an elaborated form of Darren or a variant of Dorian. May possibly be a reference to the eastern part of Panama known as Darien, which later gave its name to one of New York City's posh suburbs. John Keat's famous sonnet "On First Looking into Chapman's Cortez" ends by comparing the poet's wonder to that of Cortez, glimpsing the Pacific Ocean for the first time "silent, upon a peak in Darien". Football player Darrien Gordon.

    Darrien has 6 variant forms: Darian, Darion, Darrian, Darrion, Darryan and Darryen.

    Baby names that sound like Darrien are Darrin and Dorrien.

    in the English origin.

Name Details

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  • How to pronounce, Darrien?

  • There were 42 US births last year.
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