
The meaning, origin and other details about Titus

Meanings & Origins of Titus

What does Titus mean?

  • Of the giants in the Greek origin.
  • Titus \t(i)-tus\ as a boy's name is pronounced TYE-tus. It is of Latin origin. Possibly "defender". Biblical: a Greek Christian missionary to whom Paul wrote the canonical letter Titus. Also the name of an early Roman emperor (first century AD). Before assuming the imperial throne, he led the forces that put down a Jewish revolt and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. He had a Jewish lover, Berenice, who was a princess of the royal house of Herod. Their story was brought to the stage by 17th-century French playwrights Racine and Corneille. Use of this name is mostly 18th and 19th centuries.

    Titus has 2 variant forms: Tito and Titos.

    Baby names that sound like Titus are Dodds and Thadeus.

    in the Latin origin.

Name Details

How popular is Titus? Any other details?

  • There were 1076 US births last year.
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