
The meaning, origin and other details about Jill

Meanings & Origins of Jill

What does Jill mean?

  • Jill \j(i)-ll\ as a girl's name is pronounced jeel. Short form of Gillian, from Juliana (Latin) "youthful". Now often used as an independent given name. It was already used in the phrase "Jack and Jill" in the 15th century. Actresses Jill St. John, Jill Eikenberry, Jill Ireland; English novelist Jilly Cooper; fashion designer Jil Sander.

    Jill has 17 variant forms: Jil, Jilian, Jilana, Jillan, Jillana, Jillane, Jillayne, Jilleen, Jillene, Jilli, Jillian, Jillianne, Jillie, Jilly, Jillyan, Jyl and Jyll.

    Baby names that sound like Jill are Gill, Ailli, Aila, Aili, Willa, Eila, Eily, Gila, Gilly, Jael, Joell, Jola, Joly, Joli, Juli, Jully, July and Willy.

    in the Latin origin.
  • Girl in the English origin.

Name Details

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  • How to pronounce, Jill?

  • There were 23 US births last year.
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