
The meaning, origin and other details about Karla

Meanings & Origins of Karla

What does Karla mean?

  • Karla \k(a)-rla, kar-la\ as a girl's name is pronounced KAR-lah. It is of Greek origin. Variant of Carla (Old German) "free man"; feminine form of Karl. Literary: in John Le Carr?s novel, George Smiley's Russian nemesis used the code name Karla.

    Karla has 10 variant forms: Karlah, Karlee, Karleigh, Karlesha, Karley, Karli, Karlie, Karlla, Karly and Karrla.

    For more information, see also related names Karleen, Carol, Caroline, Charlotte and Karolina.

    Baby names that sound like Karla are Carly, Carlla, Carlia, Carli, Carle, Carlah, Karlye, Karyll, Karyl, Karole, Karol, Karel and Carola.

    in the Greek origin.
  • Strong in the French origin.
  • Strong; Strong-woman in the Anglo Saxon origin.
  • Strong in the German origin.
  • Strong in the English origin.

Name Details

How popular is Karla? Any other details?

  • How to pronounce, Karla?

    \k(a)-rla, kar-la\
  • There were 476 US births last year.
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